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The n.1 reference website for the secret of old photographic techniques.

Platinum, Palladium and Alternative DIY & OLD Photographic Processes - Visit our catalogue for Kits, Tools and Equipment.

Labotech2000 srl | Cusago (MI) Italy 📞+39.02.903.94213

Laboldtech is the site n. 1 web site in Italy for selection, supply and sale of chemical reagents and professional tools specific for ancient photographic techniques.

Labotech2000 srl | Cusago (MI) Italy
📞+39.02 9039 4213

Kit14 Wet plate Old Workhorse – A.D.R.

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Kit contents:


Collodion 5%                                        220ml

Diethyl ether                                        140ml

Ethyl alcohol                                         140ml

Potassium iodide                                      4gr

Cadmium bromide                                 3gr

Sensitizer – Silver Nitrate Bath (500ml solution)

Silver Nitrate                                  50gr

Developer – Standard Ferrous Sulfate           

(500ml solution)

Ferrous sulfate                          42gr

Glacial acetic acid                      40ml

Ethyl alcohol                             50ml


Fixer    (1000ml solution)     

Sodium thyosulfate                    500gr



pH indicator paper strips             5

Bottle PET amber color 1Lt         2

Bottle PET amber color 500ml     2

Bottle PET amber color 250ml     1

Beaker 25ml                                  1

Instructions                                   1

Wet Plate collodion Kit Old Workhorse, Complete for beginner-Kit14


No one can do a good job without proper tools, and the chemicals can be defined, the tools of the photographer. This is the weak point of many operators. They work with economic and inferior chemicals, and many do not know the true composition; not to mention unwanted interferences that can be created between them.
“Chemicals are the tools of art photographers. Through a deep knowledge of photo chemistry the artist can reach and master the art photography level.”

Ready to Use Kits