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The n.1 reference website for the secret of old photographic techniques.

Platinum, Palladium and Alternative DIY & OLD Photographic Processes - Visit our catalogue for Kits, Tools and Equipment.

Labotech2000 srl | Cusago (MI) Italy 📞+39.02.903.94213

Laboldtech is the site n. 1 web site in Italy for selection, supply and sale of chemical reagents and professional tools specific for ancient photographic techniques.

Labotech2000 srl | Cusago (MI) Italy
📞+39.02 9039 4213

Kit03 Kit Pt/Pd Starter Kit

Additional information



256,26 + Vat 312,64


kit03  Platinum/Palladium print Beginner


Platinum/Palladium print Beginner kit03  


Potassium chloroplatinate 20% sol.A      10ml

Sodium chloropalladate 17% sol.A         25ml

Ferric oxalate 27% 25ml            sol.B                25ml

Ferric oxal. 27%+potassium chlorate 1% sol.C 25 ml


Ammonium citrate                                 500gr

Clearing baths:

Tetrasodium EDTA crystals                    100gr

Sodium sulfite                                       100gr


Amber PET bottle                                  3

Contagocce                                           5

Brush 40 mm                                        1

Paper Canson Arche Platine 310grs     3

plastic glove                                         1

The chemical safety data charts is available on our website.

Kit Pd/Pt print for beginner -Kit03


Download [373.27 KB]


No one can do a good job without proper tools, and the chemicals can be defined, the tools of the photographer. This is the weak point of many operators. They work with economic and inferior chemicals, and many do not know the true composition; not to mention unwanted interferences that can be created between them.
“Chemicals are the tools of art photographers. Through a deep knowledge of photo chemistry the artist can reach and master the art photography level.”

Ready to Use Kits